Our Members
Ecology Action Centre acts as watchdog, convener, mobilizer and incubator. We engage community to create systemic change in the face of urgent, complex environmental issues.
Adsum shelters and houses as many as 170 people each day and more than 350 persons in a year, at an Adsum location. Hundreds more are supported in the community, by the housing team, to find safe and affordable homes with ongoing services for stable housing, food, clothing and connection.
Every Woman’s Centre exists to promote, develop
and support the enhancement of women’s lives in Cape Breton Communities within
the context of a feminist analysis.
The Every Woman’s Centre takes the term Every Woman seriously and uses the term woman at its most inclusive.
ACORN is a multi-issue, membership-based community union of low- and moderate-income people. We believe that social and economic justice can best be achieved by building community power for change.​​​​​​​​
The Antigonish Coalition to End Poverty (ACEP) is an alliance of individuals and groups actively working to alleviate the effects of financial distress in Antigonish Town and County while engaging in local and regional poverty eradication initiatives and action.

Formed in 2001, the Face of Poverty Consultation (FACE) is a faith-based coalition that works to increase awareness of poverty and to encourage action by its members and faith communities. It also advocates for government policy change to eliminate poverty. Its three-part mission focuses on solidarity/alliances; education; and advocacy.
THANS works to eliminate violence against women in Nova Scotia.
The mission of the North End Community Health Centre is to support the health and well-being of our community through quality primary health care, education and advocacy​​​​​.

Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group

We aid the Affordable Energy Coalition in addressing energy affordability, accessibility, and efficiency by assessing issues through a legal lens, and providing other administrative support.

Kate Ervine is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Global Development Studies at Saint Mary's University. Her research examines climate governance and the challenge of developing fair and effective policy that benefits everyone.
Society of Vincent Saint De Paul Halifax- Our work is grounded in love of neighbour and justice. Our volunteers work in their own communities and are best placed to respond to local needs. Love thy neighbor.
Women’s Centres Connect is recognized as a strong, supportive collective feminist voice articulating issues of concern to women and girls. Our feminist advocacy for public policies advances the equity and equality of women and girls.