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Before the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board- December 14 2022

In the matter of an Application by Nova Scotia Power Incorporated for Approval of Certain Revisions to its Rates, Charges, and Regulations General Rate Application (M10431) 2022-2024 Closing Statement by Affordable Energy Coalition.

RECOMMENDATION: The Affordable Energy Coalition recommends the Utility and Review Board formally support a review of the 2013 regulatory changes related to credit and collections by the Consumer Advocate, Nova Scotia Power Incorporated and the Affordable Energy Coalition, as it did in 2012. The review should be undertaken with the explicit approval of the UARB and should report back to the UARB for its consideration and approval of any changes it deems beneficial.

  1. Affordability -Impacts of high electricity costs on low income households regarding credit and collections.

  2. Affordability and the Settlement Agreement

  3. The Transition to Zero Carbon Energy – momentous, necessary, and uncertain

Meanwhile, we will continue to advocate for temporary, systematic relief for low-income households on their bills through this forum and others, relief that must last throughout the transition to lower bills through efficiency and electrification of heating and transportation. This is required to ensure access to essential energy services for low-income households. Today’s announcement of a large increase in the annual Heating Assistance Rebate Program is very welcome news as a step in this direction.

To read the full document, please see the attached PDF below.

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